Thank you for this Tad, I have been pondering how the urge to ”get somewhere” destroys any relationship-building. Whether business, friendship or romantic. Instant gratification and no tolerance for staying in our longing or in the mystery seems to be the greatest poverty of western culture. This is where we need most practice I think. For all the reasons💔❤️🩹❤️
Back in the 90s, philosopher Hakim Bey’s “Immediatism” had a big impact on me. He advocates a revival of direct, body based practices in arts - culture - spirituality that require no media, no one to mediate, or translate, or negotiate access to experience them.
Also: have you listened to the Emerald Podcast episode on the Moon? Josh Schrei reveals just how staggeringly enormous is the Moon’s influence on, well, EVERYTHING. Very much in line with what you’ve written here.
Love this Tad, thank you! I believe that we also long for slowing down but sadly we tend to want to slow down immediately - ironic isn't it. Looking forward to reading the next part, whenever that may come - no rush ;)
Thank you for this Tad, I have been pondering how the urge to ”get somewhere” destroys any relationship-building. Whether business, friendship or romantic. Instant gratification and no tolerance for staying in our longing or in the mystery seems to be the greatest poverty of western culture. This is where we need most practice I think. For all the reasons💔❤️🩹❤️
This is so beautiful, Tad. Thank you.
Back in the 90s, philosopher Hakim Bey’s “Immediatism” had a big impact on me. He advocates a revival of direct, body based practices in arts - culture - spirituality that require no media, no one to mediate, or translate, or negotiate access to experience them.
Also: have you listened to the Emerald Podcast episode on the Moon? Josh Schrei reveals just how staggeringly enormous is the Moon’s influence on, well, EVERYTHING. Very much in line with what you’ve written here.
Cheers. Thanks for writing!!
Love this Tad, thank you! I believe that we also long for slowing down but sadly we tend to want to slow down immediately - ironic isn't it. Looking forward to reading the next part, whenever that may come - no rush ;)