story is the powder, the spell the projectile...in the case of the less discussed religious concepts , or as I lcall them ; mythogens...The story becomes binary , as monotheism and its adherents, replaced the magic of the living sentient earth, and it’s children , human ,animal, stone and tree...this was usually done in a violent way....the male off world creator god and his minions, have been ,and still are the existential threat to life... imnsho ...a new narrative with a new spell is necessary... the past is old but the future is ancient

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If I am understanding correctly, spells are akin to propaganda. One of the big concepts I teach, (and learned from Buddhism) is to be a clear mirror. This means we do not see the spells, but what is actually before us with no overlay. In order to do this, we cannot be attached to any ideas (spells), so they do not influence us.

The Edgar Cayce Readings also refer to the times mentioned in the poem. It requires a great deal of integrity and honor to live with these possibilities.

But animals, plants, stones, and humans still speak the same language. People just seldom pay attention. The spell of academia has confused issues. When we come to a deep understanding of energy, we can not only more easily be a clear mirror, but also be in alignment of the truth of a particular person, place, event, or thing.

You addressed this: may lead to our own mass extinction (along with many of our elder species, some of whom are already gone from the planet because we remained spellbound.

I would like to say that gone from the planet does not mean something is gone from existence. Form and formless are we all.

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I'm really enjoying this series:)

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